Saint Peter’s Basilica. Capacity: 15,000 people inside the cathedral, 60,000 people on the square
St. Peter’s Square as seen from the Dome
Obelisk, St Peter’s Square, Piazza San Pietro
Pope Francis in the Sistine Chapel
St. Peter and Statues of Jesus and the Apostles on top of St. Peter’s Basilica
The top of the Dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Michelangelo’s Dome, Cupola
Statues of Christ and the Apostles on the Roof of St Peter’s Basilica
The Bishop of Rome, the Bishop of the Holy See, Pope
Флаг Ватикана
The Gardens of Vatican City or Vatican Gardens, Giardini Vaticani, 23 hectares
Vatican Gardens, Giardini Vaticani
Посольство Республики Армения в Ватикане (слева), Via Della Conciliazione 3
The-Pietà, Michelangelo,1498–1499
The-Pietà, Michelangelo, 1498–1499
Saint Grigor Illuminator Armeni, First Official Head of the Armenian Apostolic Church
Սուրբ Գրիգոր Լուսավորիչ – 301 – S. Grigorius Armenia E Illuminator
Saint Gregory The Illuminator, prime alcove outside St Peter’s Basilica
Saint Gregory The Illuminator, prime alcove outside St Peter s Basilica, Our Lady of Armenia Choir
A mosaic depicting Narekatsi, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican
The inaugural ceremony of the Grigor Narekatsi statue in Vatican was attended by Pope Francis and His Holiness Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II, 2015
His Holiness Pope Francis in front of Narekatsi Statue in Vatican, 2015
Grigor Narekatsi (Գրիգոր Նարեկացի; Gregory of Narek), c. 950 – 1003, Armenian mystical and lyrical poet, monk, and theologian, declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Francis in 2015
Pontifical Swiss Guard
Папская Гвардия (Pontifical Guards)
Vatican Museum Entrance
St. Peter Enthroned, St. Peter’s Basilica
Sphere within Sphere, Sfera con Sfera, Arnaldo Pomodoro, 1990, Pinecone Courtyard, Vatican Museums
Saint Peters Basilica, Interior, Capacity: 15,000 people inside the cathedral
St. Peter’s Baldachin, Baldacchino di San Pietro,1623–1634, Bronze. Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 28.74 m.
Roof of St. Peter’s Basilica
Купол Собора Святого Петра - самый высокий купол в мире,136,57 м.
View to Baldakhin from top of Cupola
Dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica, exterior
Spiral Staircase at Vatican Museums, Giuseppe Momo,1932
St. Peter’s Basilica, inside
Pigna in Belvedere Courtyard
Athena Mosaic Floor, Museum Pio Clementino
Athena Mosaic floor (fragment), Pio-Clementino Museum
Mosaic floor (fragment), Pio Clementino Museum
The Papal Residence from the Roof of St. Peter’s Basilica
River God Arno, Pio Clementino Museum
St. Peter’s Basilica, inside from Cupola
Mosaic of an Angel in the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica
Sala Rotonda. Round Room, Pio Clementino Museum
The Barberini Hera, Roman Copy after a Greek Original, Museo Pio Clementino
Marble Statue of Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus in Vatican
Cappela Sistina, Vatican
Saint Peter’s Basilica, inside
Saint Peter’s Basilica, inside
Head of a Colossal Roman Statue of Emperor Augustus,1st century AD in the Courtyard of the “Pigna”, Vatican
The Cortile del Belvedere, Belvedere Courtyard
Cortile Ottagono, Musei Vaticani
The Statue of Laocoön and His Sons, Marble sculpture from the Hellenistic Period, 323 BCE – 31 CE
Confession Booth in Saint Peter’s Basilica
Hall of the Greek Cross with Statues of Antinous Found at Hadrian’s Villa, Pio Clementino Museum
Statues of Antinous Found at Hadrian’s Villa, Hall of the Greek Cross, Pio Clementino Museum
Monument to Pope Leo XII, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican