Armenian Soups

Spas, Սպաս
Spas, Սպաս - Matsun-based soup. Matsun, Մածուն, Armenian Yogurt - fermented milk (cow, goat, sheep, buffalo or mix of them) product.
Ingredients: matsun, water, wheat or rice, egg, salt, herbs. Serves - cold or hot.

Khash, Խաշ
Khash, Խաշ - hot aromatic broth made from hooves, drumsticks, and tripe․
Serves hot with lavash, crushed garlic, vinegar, salt, pickles.

Bean soup, Լոբով ապուր
Bean soup, Լոբով ապուր - tasty, nutritious and also very healfy soup.
Ingredients: red beans, water, օnion, peeled nuts, a little flour, and melted butter, coriander, salt, spices (red pepper)․
Serves hot with lavash or another bread.